SQL Server-入门笔记
1. 登录
- windows身份验证:登录windows账户后就能使用 数据库
- 混合身份验证:登录windows账户后,还需要知道 数据库的用户名+密码
2. 数据库
2.1 创建数据库
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| CREATE DATABASE school on ( name = 'school', filename = 'E:\DB_demo\school.mdf', size=5mb, maxsize = 50mb, filegrowth = 1%
log on( name = 'school_db', filename = 'E:\DB_demo\school_log.ldf', size=1mb, maxsize = 10mb, filegrowth = 1%
2.2 删除数据库
2.3 数据库文件的修改
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| alter database school add file( name =ciyao, filename = 'E:\DB_demo\ciyao.ndf', size=5, maxsize=10, filegrowth=1% ) go
alter database school modify file( name =ciyao, filename = 'E:\DB_demo\ciyao.ndf', size=6, maxsize=10, filegrowth=1%
alter database school remove file ciyao
3. 数据表
3.1 创建数据表
创建 3个数据表
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| CREATE TABLE student ( sno int PRIMARY KEY, sname char(10) constraint not_null_cons NOT NULL, age int CHECK(age>=0 AND age<150)
) go
CREATE TABLE class ( cno int PRIMARY KEY, cname char(20) , credit float CHECK(credit>=0 AND credit<5)
) go
CREATE TABLE sc ( sno int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES student(sno), cno int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES class(cno), grade float CHECK(grade>=0 and grade<=100), PRIMARY KEY(sno,cno)
) go
3.2 删除数据表
3.3 修改数据表
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alter table student add sex char(2) default '男', address char(20) go
alter table student alter column sname char(12) go
4. 数据
4.1 插入数据:insert
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| use school
insert into student(sno,sname) values(1,'张三'),(2,'李四') go
insert into class(cno,cname,credit) values(11,'计算机',2.5),(12,'高数',4.0) go
insert into sc values(1,11,60),(2,12,70) go
4.2 删除数据:delete
1 2
| delete from s where s.sno='A123'
4.3 修改数据:update
1 2 3
| update sc set sc.score = 90 where sc.sno = 'A123'
4.4 查询数据:select
1 2 3 4 5 6
select s.sno , s.sname , sc.score from s,sc where s.sname='小明' and sc.sc.score>=80 order by sc.score desc
- from
- on
- join
- where
- group by
- having
- order by
- select
5. 视图
5.1 创建视图
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| create view st_Details_View as select s.sno as ‘学号’, sname as '姓名', sage as '年龄', c,cno as '课程号', cname as '课程名', score as '分数' from s,c.sc
where s,sno = sc,sno and c.cno = sc.cno with check option
5.2 删除视图
| drop view st_Details_View
5.3 修改视图
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| alter view st_Details_View as
select s.sno as ‘学号’, sname as '姓名', sage as '年龄', c,cno as '课程号', cname as '课程名', score as '分数' from s,c.sc where s,sno = sc,sno and c.cno = sc.cno and sc.score>=80
6. 索引
6.1 创建索引
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| create unique clusered index PK_index on sc(sno,cno)
with( pad_index = on, filefactor = 10, drop_existing = on
6.2 删除索引
6.3 修改索引
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| alter index 索引名 on 表名 rebuild
alter index 索引名 on 表名 reorganize
alter index 索引名 on 表名 disable
7. 存储过程
7.1 创建 存储过程
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| create procedure ProSeEmp as select employee where sex='女'
create procedure ProDep @Empid int , @Dep varchar(30) output as select @Dep=DepetName from dept join emp on dep.depid = emp.depid where empid = @empid
execute ProDep 参数
7.2 执行 存储过程
7.3 删除 存储过程
7.4 修改 存储过程
1 2 3 4
| alter procedure proSeEmp as select empName,salary,depid from emp
8. 触发器
8.1 创建 触发器
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| create trigger 触发器名 on 表名 for/instead of/after [insert/update/delete] as ...sql语句
create trigger emp_Tri on emp after update as declare @c int select @c=@@rowcount print '一共修改了'+char(48+@c)+'行'
8.2 删除 触发器
8.3 修改 触发器
1 2 3 4 5
| alter trigger 触发器名 on 表名 for / instead of / after [insert/ update / delete] as ...sql语句
9. 数据库安全性
9.1 创建账户
- 选中 某个数据库 =》展开,选中 ‘安全性’ 下的 ‘用户’ =》右键
- 新建用户
- 输入、选择:用户名,登录名,默认架构
- 确定
9.2 授予权限
- 选中 某个数据库 =》 右键 =》 属性
- 权限 =》 点击 ‘搜索’ 按钮 =》浏览 =》选中 某个 用户
- 勾选 所需权限
- 确定
9.3 备份
- 选中 ”服务器对象“ =》 展开 =》选中 ”备份设备 “ =》右键
- ”新建备份设备 “ =》输入 一个备份名
- 确认
10. T-SQL 批处理
10.1 变量:
- 局部变量: 以@符号开头,先定义后使用。
- 全局变量: 以@@开头,由系统控制,用户只能读取,不能修改。如:@@VERSION
变量的声明 和 赋值:
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| DECLARE @age int //declare 声明变量 @age,该变量的类型为 int
SET @age = 12 //给变量赋值
SELECT @age = stuAge FROM Student WHERE Sno='S001' //将查询到的1个值赋给变量
10.2 流程控制:
1 2 3 4 5
| declare @price varchar(2) =10
begin print '价格为:'+@price end
10.3 IF…ELSE 语句块
if… else
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| declare @price int =10
if @price > 5 print @price else print '@price<=5'
10.4 CASE…END 语句块
case…end语句相当于C语言中的 switch 语句
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| // 第一种 declare @price int = 10
declare @price2 int = case when @price=10 then 11 when @price=20 then 21 when @price=30 then 31 end
print @price2
//第二种 declare @price int =10
declare @price2 int = case @price when 10 then 11 when 20 then 21 when 30 then 31 end
print @price2
10.5 while 循环:
while语句中,如果循环体有多条语句,需要结合begin…end,while循环中的变量变化需要有 select 关键字修饰
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| // 打印 1~9 declare @num int = 1
while @num < 10 begin print @num select @num = @num+1 end
10.6 WAITFOR 语句:
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| declare @num int = 1
// 延迟 5秒 执行:打印1~9 waitfor delay '00:00:05'
while @num < 10 begin print @num select @num = @num+1 end
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| declare @num int = 1
// 在 今天的13:01:55 执行以下操作:打印 1~9 waitfor time '13:01:55'
while @num < 10 begin print @num select @num = @num+1 end